
Take a look into how we got started.

Add us to your business – an Australian based digital marketing agency that generates traffic, leads and results for you (no excuses). If you’re looking for effective Google ad management and uncompromising SEO strategies, contact us now. Many business owners trust us for quality results, reliable web development or social media marketing services.

Standing out is not just about search engine optimisation. We work with you to provide an innovative and creative approach that focuses on measurable results. By using our digital marketing services, you’ll benefit from a full range of marketing solutions based on real evidence and proven strategies. Most importantly, you’ll enjoy watching your business flourish as we grow you and your team.


Our SEO services improve the visibility of your website and your brand. The web has created a generation of engaged consumers who have instant access to knowledge, products, and services.

The Only SEO Agency That Focuses on Your Goals

SEO companies across Australia will tell you how they can rank your business in Google search results and guarantee traffic. Sounds great, right? But search demand is down due to COVID-19 in some verticals.

So, it’s important to adapt your SEO strategy to achieve your goals. Maintain your ranking on important keywords, so that when demand returns, you’ll be ahead of your competitors.

But it is equally important to start being visible in the SERPs for trending topics related to your niche. What does your target audience need to understand about your business and this pandemic?

We are an SEO agency that generates qualified traffic, both now and in the future.


Social media has changed the way we communicate forever. Social media audiences want to engage with brands and spread information.

The Importance of Marketing Basics

You don’t build a house on rocky foundations, so why do the same with your marketing strategy? While there are many elements to successful social media marketing, it’s the basics that are often forgotten or outright ignored.

For example, many companies are well aware of the benefits of the video when it comes to generating new leads, yet they still refuse to embrace it or incorporate it into their daily marketing efforts. Some B2B companies, in particular, don’t talk about the price and cost of their products on their websites.

The basics do more than keep a business afloat. They have a huge impact on the bottom line. Don’t be one of those companies where the marketing and sales departments don’t work together or where the website doesn’t offer a price calculator or reviews.


Performance-Based Inbound Lead Generation Services

Activate performance-based lead generation campaigns as part of your digital marketing to improve your customers’ online experience. We change the focus of organisations across Australia to bring in leads that can convert into real customers, and move marketing teams away from a campaign-driven mindset that isn’t built with the end goal of revenue in mind.

With affordable lead generation methods that bring prospects to you – without disrupting their lives with low-value content – we’re able to generate effective and efficient traffic. From a business perspective, your qualified leads are much more likely to generate real revenue for your organisation, saving your marketing team time and improving their productivity.

Australia’s Leading Automation, Innovation, And Digital Marketing Agency

Many growing teams across Australia don’t have the tools or infrastructure to build high-performing lead-generation environments. Digital Marketing Agency King uses innovative technologies and proprietary data to segment audiences and automate your communications with relevant users, delivering a more personalised online experience, encouraging customers to return, and reducing leakage from the sales funnel.

Intelligent marketing automation improves business CRO by providing a high-quality, highly relevant online experience for your audience. Digital Marketing Agency King’s leading technologies and platforms help us execute your multi-channel approach in one place and gather insights that optimise your campaigns in real-time.


Google Ads


The range of opportunities offered by search engine marketing offers a powerful way to attract and convert online users to increase revenue. By offering content at the optimal time in the buyer’s journey, brands can take advantage of this powerful marketing channel. Digital Marketing Agency King ‘s team of some of the industry’s most experienced Google Ads specialists can become an integral part of your search campaigns.

Our in-depth knowledge and access to consumer insights allow us to create integrated campaigns that are driven by your customers, not just keywords. By executing personalised, adaptive ads, we have the tools to maximise your campaign and accelerate business growth – putting you at the forefront of your industry and delivering unrivaled added value to your customers.

Multi-Channel Google Ads Campaigns

Our in-house team of SEM experts uses automation and other innovative technologies to create a Google Ads campaign that meets your goals. Maximising your budget through intelligent bidding, our multi-channel solutions allow us to plan, measure and optimise across all relevant channels.

This means we build Google Shopping campaigns for eCommerce businesses looking to disrupt their industry and become the leading choice for consumers. We’ll also integrate your Google Ads campaigns with your email campaigns and Google Display Network to increase your cross-platform visibility and target your audience wherever they’re browsing. In-depth data allows us to filter your most valuable leads and accelerate their progress through the sales funnel, constantly testing and improving along the way.

Results That Matter for Your Growth

Whether on desktop or mobile, Digital Marketing Agency King SEM experts can plan a Google Ads strategy that connects with your audience segments at the exact moment they’re searching for your products or services. We’ll work with you to understand your goals and landscape to create campaigns designed to increase website traffic, drive phone calls, increase foot traffic or simply build brand awareness. Whatever type of campaign will have the biggest impact on your growth, we’ll make sure your budget is focused accordingly.

All this, integrated with other key digital disciplines such as content marketing and social media, contributes to an integrated campaign that delivers quick wins and long-term growth for your brand. For a free strategy session on our search marketing campaigns and the key elements that make them work, get in touch with our team.


Tell Your Story with SEO Content Writing and Marketing Services

SEO Content Writing That's More Than Words.

Digital Marketing Agency King, we don’t just fill your website with words. An important element of digital marketing is content, which goes hand in hand with your SEO strategy. Without quality content, your website won’t rank in Google (and how will your customers know what you’re talking about?).


Every sentence is carefully crafted to grab the user’s attention, tell your story and sell your product. Creativity is closely linked to SEO content creation techniques. With every paragraph we create, we want to move your customer further down the funnel.

With the perfect balance between direct response sales copy and engaging, softening and valuable copy, we take every opportunity to speak to your customers in their language.

Worldwide, only 22% of businesses say they are satisfied with their conversion rate. At Digital Marketing Agency King, we make sure every customer is happy. 100% of you. Our SEO-friendly content writing services are a big part of making that happen.

Introduce Yourself to An Experienced SEO Content Specialist

85% of marketers consider effective content curation the #1 reason for a successful digital strategy.

Creating unique, quality copy delivers returns in 3 stages:

  • It attracts traffic
  • It engages readers
  • converts them into customers

Our Digital Marketing Agency King in-house SEO content specialists use their skills and experience to design every page that comes into their sight.

We pride ourselves on our creativity and the quality and quantity of our content, which allows us to achieve the highest conversion rates. By conducting thorough research before writing, we are an SEO content marketing agency that expertly captures your brand’s unique voice. We then seamlessly integrate fresh, search engine optimised content writing with the rest of your website content so readers think it’s coming straight from the mouth of your CEO.

SEO Copywriting Designed for Your Users.

Keywords are still at the heart of your strategy.

Our content specialists work closely with our SEO services team to determine the best methods to get your site ranking in those top spots. We take into account page length, keyword placement and your internal link structure to ensure that both Google and your customers love your content.

We know how to keep readers’ attention. Your assigned web content writer will create a layout that reads like a dream. With attention-grabbing headlines and a structure that matches the way a typical user’s eyes look, we’ll keep your visitors.

What kind of content do we specialise in?

Our content writing team is made up of experts with versatile writing skills that cover:

  • Creating and updating landing page content
  • copy for e-commerce collections pages
  • Frequently asked questions copy
  • blog copy and content creation
  • email marketing
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